5 Different Ways To Protect Your New iPhone 11


iPhone 11 is the latest version of the smartphone by Apple. It comes with a dual came system and captures more of what you see and love. However, it’s the best phone for everyday life and even helps at creating better memories. Besides, though apple takes security seriously, it doesn’t mean you can safely ignore good practice, especially when it comes to brand new smartphones. Thus, it’s good to exercise caution by using the security features of your device, along with physical cleanliness measures to ensure long use and durability of your device. Further, check out these five major steps of protecting your new apple phone against physical tampering and data violation. Just have a look.

Clean the phone thoroughly

Often phones get dirty and germ-ridden because it’s carried everywhere. So, you need to give a bit of polish now and then. But, remember not to settle with any ammonia or heavy cleaning for your iPhone. Its screen is coated with a fingerprint-resistant oil repellent. Thus, it’s suggested to use a damp, soft, lint-free cloth every time you clean. Besides, cleaning specific areas like speakers and microphones is important. As failure to do might affect the call quality and music playback.

Keep liquids out from reaching your phone

You know beverages are the easiest to spill off and cause damage to your smartphone. They may enter the various ports, buttons, and other openings of the phone and spoil the sensitive areas like screen, circuit and display, etc. Besides, on instances of serious damage, there’s no option rather than discarding your phone.

Use a strong password for your new phone

This is one of the best and simplest methods to protect your data. You can use a strong password instead of the simple 4-digit pin for unlocking your phone. Additionally, it’s a good idea to use a combination of digits, letters, and symbols. As an extra option, you can turn the erase data feature on so the device will wipe everything from its memory after 10 failed passcode attempts.

Disable Siri on the lock screen

Siri is a great phone feature. But sometimes this personal assistant can give away some information to the hackers which you prefer to keep confidential. Don’t forget Siri can communicate with anyone. Thus, you will be more secured if you prevent it from activating from a lock screen.

Discard automatic Wi-Fi connections

These phones come with a good feature that allows you to automatically connect to known Wi-fi hotspots, without any permission. Fortunately, this is a very useful option as you don’t need to do anything to switch it from the mobile internet to the local Wi-fi. But, on the other hand, there’s a chance of theft where a cyberbully may establish his fake wireless network with the same name as a trusted public hotspot.

In a nutshell

To prolong the life of your new iPhone11 you should perform these above-mentioned steps and keep your phone hassle-free. After all, they cost a lot!

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