Know The Top 4 Low -Maintenance Corporate Plant Hire


The office is the second home for the majority of people all around the world. The only difference a person sitting in the office feels is drag in hours. However, his/her boredom can be killed by decorating the place with Corporate Plant HireThe plants just do not enhance the beauty of the inner space of the office but also benefits employee with health benefits. One advantage of indoor floras is the reduction of toxins elements in the nearby surrounding atmosphere. Although there are 100’s of plants that can grow nicely in office surroundings, only a few can thrive even with low maintenance. To find out the best corporate plants that can grow without much care, just scroll and continue your read.

Spider Plant

Spider plants require only partial sunlight for their growth. It can also thrive and grow in the low-shade area. Although the florae don’t require daily watering, it is good to water once in two days. As the plants don’t need direct light, even if your table is not near to windows, the growth of florae won’t be hindered. Studies also have shown that the spider plant is the best at removing volatile organic compounds and other toxin pollutants.

Bamboo Palm

Bamboo palm will be the best option for giving a lush greenly look to your office. The plant can grow well in little sunlight and low shade locations. This flora grows swiftly even with minimal maintenance. Bamboo palm is considered to ward off the evilness and so placing it in your office can keep the negativity away. If you are looking for a smaller plant option then choose the lucky bamboo indoor plant.

Pathos Corporate Plant Hire

Pathos is a popular office plant worldwide. You must have found this plant even in your office at any colleague or the boss table. Similar to other florae, pathos also doesn’t require frequent watering and can thrive in low shade area. Pathos needs water only when the soil is dry. This plant grows quickly and so pruning is needed at the time to maintain its green appearance. Nevertheless, the  Indoor Plants For Offices can purify the air by absorbing toxins like carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, and other elements.


Cactus requires a little water but more sunlight to thrive. This flora is so small and so can be placed at any location. Cactus comes out in different types and the majority of them work well in the office. It is a good plant for beginners as the maintenance is almost nil. The plant is regarded to convert the negativity of the home into positive energy flow. So, placing it in your office will help in concentrating more on work by neglecting other’s relativeness. The only thing to consider while planting cacti is to place them nearby a window or area with enough sunlight.

Wrapping Up

The above-mentioned are the best Corporate Plant Hire you can have in the office. Mentioned plants will enhance the beauty of your second-best home. If you are looking for fresh office plants then get them from Foliage Indoor Plant Hire. We try to provide the highest possible standard plants at affordable costs. Our team also offers the best interior plant designing, installation, and maintenance service. To connect to us, click on Contact Us page.

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