10 Android App Development Frameworks To Watch In 2020


People are highly found in mobile activities. They are relying on mobile phones for different
needs. It brings the necessity for the various frameworks for app development. Here is the list of
top frameworks that will help with the development of mobile applications.

1. React-native

It is one of the highly recommended frameworks created by Facebook. As it is the open-source
framework, it is commonly used by developing iOS and Android mobile applications.  It is
based on React and JavaScript that aims for the development of the native applications.

2. Flutter

It is one of the best frameworks developed by Google. It is the UI tool kit built as a native
application for the mobile desktop and even for several web platforms as well. It is the cross-
platform mobile app development framework helping for both the android and iOS applications.
It is highly special when you are developing the 2D rendering engine called Skia.

3. Xamarin

It is a framework by Microsoft, and this is based on .Net allowing for the people to use in
android, iOS, and Windows platforms.  It helps with the rich user experience and comes with lots
of exciting features.

4. Mobile Angular UI

It is the other open-source tool that can be easily merged for the implementation of the Angular
and Bootstrap application.  It offers various UI components like switches, sidebars, overlays,
scrollable areas, navbars, and several others.  It can be handled automatically with JavaScript.

5. Ionic

It is built as the open-source cross-platform Mobile app framework with the help of CSS,
HTML, and JavaScript. It works well for the Android, window, and iOS platforms. This
framework offers numerous default UI components like forms, filters, action sheets, navigation
menu, and several other attractions.

6. Adobe PhoneGap

This framework allows for creating a single mobile application that can be installed as per the
native application in several devices. It is not dependent on any of the hardware configuration
with the development of mobile applications.

7. Appcelerator Titanium

It is the framework that allows the reusability of the Javascript code up to 90% of the framework
when it comes to the UI components. It can be easily integrated with API, and it offers great
code reusability.

8. Framework 7

It is highly used in developing applications for web, mobile, and desktop. It will allow you to use
the tools of your preference. It also offers a wide range of UI elements and widgets like action
sheet, list views, side panels, form elements, and several others.

9. JQuery mobile

It will allow running the single code version across all the devices. Further, it is the HTML 5-
based development framework that will come with several platforms like image slider, pop-up
boxes, slider, and several others.

10. NativeScript

It is the open-source framework used for building the native mobile applications with the help of
JavaScript, TypeScript, Angular, vue.js. It is suitable for both the iOS and Android app from the
single codebase.

So, these are the top frameworks that you need to focus on this 2020. Analyze all these and
choose the right one as per your needs.

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