Everything You Need to Know Before Trying Laser Hair Removal


So, you are tired of shaving and waxing? Hair removal is an endless, time-consuming process. According to recent studies, an average woman spends around 72 days of her life in just shaving. And the worst part of shaving is that it’s painful and inexpensive. But the hair starts to reappear as soon as you are done and you need to repeat the whole process again and again. However, for some, this can turn into their everyday job to maintain a silky-smooth skin. Why not think of laser technology as an answer to all your unwanted bodily hair prayers? This is a better way to get rid of unwanted hairs and is tested by millions of people. Further, here’s a list of things your need to know before getting into revolutionary treatment.

Laser treatment for removing unwanted hairs

Laser hair removal treatment is used for removing unwanted hairs from the face, legs, back, chin, underarm and other areas. It’s one of the best cosmetic procedures where a beam of highly concentrated light is passed into the air follicles. The pigment in the follicles absorbs this light and destroys unwanted hair.


Start by undertaking good research before undergoing any cosmetic procedure. Your skin isn’t something that you want to be messed up. Thus, it’s important you know the treatment is being carried by a trained professional. Always ensure that you are going to a certified dermatologist who knows what they are doing.

Stay out of the sun before the appointment

You cannot receive this treatment if you are sunburned. So, stay out of the sun at least four weeks before, to be exact. Likewise, summer is not the best time to start this laser treatment, especially for those who are a big fan of the outdoors. Instead, you can start in the winter to have stubble-free skins by the month of summer.

Check with your doctor

If you are taking any kind of prescribed medication, it’s good to check with your doctor whether it will affect your ability to have the treatment.

Less painful

Laser treatment isn’t much pain as you think. It’s a far more tolerable method of removing unwanted hairs in comparison to waxing and shaving. The process targets large areas at once and it gets over quickly. In the same way, many people compare the sensation to that of a rubber band snapping against the skin. But make sure you limit plucking and waxing for six weeks before treatment.


In terms of side effects, a laser is an extremely safe treatment and there are not many side effects involved. Initially, some people may experience redness, itchiness, or a warm sensation on the skin. But it will subside within 20 minutes to 2 hours post treatment.

Lay off skincare products

If you are used to layering on oils and moisturizers every morning, you need to skip this step on the day of your laser treatment appointment. It’s important to keep your skin clean and free from any products to avoid any complications or the risk of discoloration.


Laser hair removal is a medical treatment where laser targets the hair roots and you will start noticing a reduction in the amount of hair growth.

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